The New Way to Locate a Saved WiFi Password on Android [No Root Required]

Android devices comes with lovely functionality, but most of these features remains hidden till you jailbreak (root) your android device. However, it’s not everyone that still wants to void or take the risk of rooting their android device, that’s why I try as much to provide you guys with guides that save you the stress of rooting your device.

Previously, I detailed you guys on how to locate saved WiFi password using ES xplore, and after the later version of the ES xplorer, most of us still find it difficult to follow that same procedure, as the folder in request remains hidden.

Today, I’ll be revealing to you guys another method to view saved WiFi password on any android device without rooting the device. All you’ve to do is, follow the below instruction and you’re good to go.

How to View Saved WiFi Password on Android without Root

1.       Firstly, download the “Router setup page” on your android device. The app automatically detects the router that the android device is connected to.

2.       After that, install the app, launch and tap “Open router page”.

3.       Once the page has opened, you’ll need to input the router login details. Normally, every router makes use of two specific login details by default and it doesn’t get changed at most times. So either you make use of “admin” as login and password or you make use of “user”. One of the two must work.

4.       That’s it, it would take you to the router dashboard, simply go to WiFi tab, scroll down and you’ll see the saved wifi password, if it’s hidden, tick the “show password” box.

Read also:

That’s it on how to locate saved WiFi password on android devices. If you encounter any difficulty during the process, please do let me know via comment section, and don’t forget to share this useful guide to your friends on social network.